
PR opportunities for entrepreneurs, makers and small businesses. Journalist requests from social media right into your inbox.

Starting at £4.99/month.

A better way to get PR and backlinks.

Relevant Opportunities

Select the topics of you are interested in and only receive relevant requests from journalists.

Email Alerts

We send the relevant PR requests right to your inbox so you don't have to hunt for these opportunities.

Better SEO

Link building is one of the key factors of an SEO strategy and EasyJourno give you the opportunity to build it organically.

Cost effective

Organic PR is the most sustainable way to build PR for small businesses and we make cost-effective and simple.

Our Plan

Simple pricing plan

50% off

Early Bird Offer

£9.99 £4.99 / mo.
  • Regular PR email alerts
  • Customise topics of interest
  • New topics every month